Spring Time – Challenge CFD Performance Review

The initial quarter of the year has been marked by significant activity. Despite the Challenge CFD account more than doubling in value, the outcome has fallen short of expectations. This is primarily attributed to a substantial drawdown, stemming from lapses in diligence, in other words laziness 😆.

Quantitative easing is on the cards in the months ahead , Precious metals and USD index have been reliable winners for our portfolio this time.

Its like shooting fish in a barel however as we lost concentration we shot our ‘feet’ as well as the fish 😂 , lets hope for better results next quarter 🍾 cause we have to hit that measly $100000 target within a year or so hopefully.

A Visit To The City

Yesterday, amidst our engagements in the heart of London and as the evening gracefully rolled on I had the pleasure of capturing some lovely photographs of remnants from Britain’s storied past.

St Paul’s Cathedral

These enduring vestiges spoke volumes of a rich strong heritage one regrettably overshadowed by the challenges of modern London . In the spirit of fostering an appreciation for this bold and art, we are delighted to share them here.

The Railway Pub – Victoria Station
Fleet Street London

Gold Leaf Sandwiches

gold leaf sandwitch

We visited the poor today 😂, to our surprise they were eating sandwiches wrapped in gold apparently in the mistaken belief that they will become worthier 🤡 Because nothing says ‘high-class dining’ like having to check your teeth for gold flakes after a sandwich.

While on the subject of high class, as an aside, I would not be surprised if each sandwitch comes with a free degree …. maybe from Cambridge or Oxford ? I heard of a company (now nearly bankrupt) selling ready made meals wanting entry level management staff with degrees from these two superb Universities, soon the requirement will reach the cleaning staff ranks 🤣